High Flow Nasal Oxygen Therapy
Toby presented to emergency and critical care specialist Dr Ide Gillespie after inhaling seawater whilst playing. He immediately started to show signs of difficulty breathing and subsequently developed acute inflammation of his lungs; acute lung injury. He was placed in an oxygen-rich environment after the event, but he required more intensive oxygen therapy.
Toby received high-flow nasal oxygen therapy (HFNOT). HFNOT is a method of providing warmed, humidified oxygen at high flow rates and higher concentrations compared to traditional oxygen supplementation. This allowed Toby to be managed without more invasive treatments such as intubation and ventilation. Toby received HFNOT for just under 24 hours, and he significantly improved!
Toby was able to be discharged home after three days. Toby is now doing very well at home with his family!